GO Isolates® is a powerful soil inoculant that is manufactured organically by our patented isolate technology resulting in microbially activated carbon complexes that contain naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms. By enhancing the health of both soil and plant, GO Isolates® increases the microbial diversity and concentration. It also increases the decomposition of organic and inorganic materials. GO Isolates® is fortified with two proprietary strains of Bacillus species at high concentrations, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus subtilis. GO Isolates® stimulates soil biological activity, enhances water holding capacity, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), rooting and plant nutrient bioavailability.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrians website. You can view that by clicking here.
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Sea Isolates® is a liquid seaweed inoculant that contains a beneficial bacterium (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) at a high concentration and is manufactured organically by our patented isolate technology. Sea Isolates® contains trace minerals, micronutrients, amino acids, vitamins and plant growth hormones (auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins) which are essential for plant growth. This product is enhanced with our patented process known as Cellular Infuson® Technology.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrians website. You can view that by clicking here.
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IsoGreen® is a unique matrix of carbon complexes, organic acids, microalgae and beneficial bacteria formulated to help restore the biological health of soil and improve plant growth. IsoGreen® contains humic acid rich with high quality carbon complexes designed to support soil health and microorganism proliferation. IsoGreen® contains Fulvex® which releases tied up nutrients in the soil making them more soluble and readily available to plants with efficient uptake. IsoGreen® contains microalgae which functions to change the soil and water ecology, reduce sodium stress, improve rooting, yield, fruit quality and storage. IsoGreen® is fortified with two proprietary isolate strains of Bacillus species.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrians website. You can view that by clicking here.
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Humega® is a microbially enhanced humic acid with diversified carbon complexes that provide a variety of nutritional benefits. It is produced using an organic proprietary extraction process (Non-KOH) that aids in maximizing the amounts of organic acids and other unique characteristics. Humega® facilitates soil tilth and boosts microbial activity, increases the rate and percentage of seed germination, stimulates plant growth, amplifies root system development and increases biomass yield. Humega® not only enriches the soil with microbial diversity but enhances soil health as well.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrians website. You can view that by clicking here.
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