Organic Micronutrients
BioFlora® Boron (5%) is an essential element of metabolic enzymes within the plant during crop production cycles. BioFlora® Boron (5%) aids in the correction of boron deficiencies.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrians website. You can view that by clicking here.
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BioFlora® Boron-Zinc (1%-4%) is designed to strengthen cell walls and aids in carbohydrate, protein, and auxin metabolism. BioFlora® Boron-Zinc (1%-4%) aids in the correction of boron and zinc deficiencies. This product is enhanced with our patented process known as Cellular Infuson® Technology. and crop information if available is listed on Agrians website. You can view that by clicking here.
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BioFlora® Cobalt (5%) is a structural part of vitamin B12 and an important derivative of leghemoglobin (rhizobium function). It favors the biological effect of nitrogen and root development and regulating hormones by blocking the synthesis of ABA and ethylene. It also plays a role in fruit retention, decreasing fruit drop. BioFlora® Cobalt (5%) aids in the correction of cobalt deficiencies. This product is enhanced with our patented process known as Cellular Infuson® Technology.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrians website. You can view that by clicking here.
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BioFlora® Copper (3%) is a micronutrient in a form readily available to plants. It is important to treat the copper deficiency before visual symptoms appear to ensure proper yields. Signs of deficiency include cupping of leaves. BioFlora® Copper (3%) aids in the correction of copper deficiencies.
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Fulmega™ 1% Mg is a highly bioavailable Magnesium. Magnesium is an important component of the chlorophyll molecule and is essential for photosynthetic metabolism. Signs of deficiencies are curling of leaves upward along margins and interveinal chlorosis in older leaves. For a higher concentration, consider BioFlora® Magnesium (4%).
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Go Cal®6% Ca contains calcium which is essential for membrane permeability, promoting root and leaf development, and plant vigor. Go Cal® (6%) aids in the correction of calcium deficiencies.
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BioFlora® Iron (4%) is a concentrated formulation of seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) with chelated iron. BioFlora® Iron (4%) is ideal for soil and foliar applications. Foliar applications should be used to help inhibit iron chlorosis in leaves. BioFlora® Iron (4%) helps increase the plant’s photosynthate production. BioFlora® Iron (4%) aids in the correction of iron deficiencies.
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BioFlora® Magnesium (4%) is an important component of the chlorophyll molecule and is essential for photosynthetic metabolism. Magnesium regulates nitrogen absorption and activates multiple enzymes. Signs of deficiencies are curling of leaves upward along margins and interveinal chlorosis in older leaves. BioFlora® Magnesium (4%) aids in the correction of magnesium deficiencies. For a lower concentration, consider Fulmega™ 1% Mg.
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BioFlora® Man (1%) delivers readily available Manganese to plant roots, stems and leaves acting as a major contributor to photosynthetic efficiency. Its presence is important during the vegetative development of the cultivation and production stage. Manganese activates multiple enzymes, and it is necessary for the release of oxygen during photosynthesis. Provides oxidative stress resistance as a result of various environmental factors. BioFlora® Man (1%) aids in the correction of manganese deficiencies. For a higher concentration, consider BioFlora® Manganese (4%).
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BioFlora® Manganese (4%) delivers Manganese to plant roots, stems and leaves acting as a major contributor to photosynthetic efficiency. Its presence is important during the vegetative development of the cultivation and production stage. Manganese activates multiple enzymes, and it is necessary for the release of oxygen during photosynthesis. Provides oxidative stress resistance as a result of various environmental factors. BioFlora® Manganese (4%) promotes plant vigor in Manganese deficient soils. For a lower concentration, consider BioFlora® Man (1%).
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Minera™ is an all-natural micronutrient package that delivers a wide variety of essential and readily available trace elements such as Magnesium, Sulfur, Boron, Cobalt, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, and Zinc. Minera’s unique base originates from trees, a natural and renewable resource that also contains organic carbon. This product is enhanced with our patented process known as Cellular Infuson® Technology.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrians website. You can view that by clicking here.
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BioFlora® Molybdenum (6%) assists in Nitrogen assimilation, potassium absorption and fruit/flower retention. Its presence is very important for the activation of enzymes involved in the binding reactions of nitrogen: nitrogenase and nitrate reductase. Highly efficient in the prevention of fruit and flower drop. BioFlora® Molybdenum (6%) aids in the correction of molybdenum deficiencies. This product is enhanced with our patented process known as Cellular Infuson® Technology.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrian’s website. You can view that by clicking here.
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NanoNutri® is a blend of micronutrients that include iron, manganese and zinc formulated with rich carbon complexes as the base. The Iron plays a crucial role in chlorophyll development enhancing photosynthesis and DNA metabolism. The zinc plays a major role in the plant hormone auxin metabolism which assists in root as well as shoots growth. The manganese plays a crucial role in photosynthesis and respiration. The rich carbon complexes play an important role in improving the microbial life in the soil, which over time can restore microorganism balance and nutrient uptake by the plant.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrian’s website. You can view that by clicking here.
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BioFlora® Zinc (7%) aids in carbohydrate, protein, auxin metabolism and biosynthesis as well as zinc deficiencies in all crops. Zinc is used to activate multiple enzymes and induces the production of auxins. Zinc is required for the synthesis of carbohydrates during photosynthesis and for the transformation of sugars into starch. Deficiencies can lead to delayed maturity and a decrease in leaf size which reduces the benefits of photosynthesis. BioFlora® Zinc (7%) aids in the correction of zinc deficiencies.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrian’s website. You can view that by clicking here.
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BioFlora® Zinc (7%) aids in carbohydrate, protein, auxin metabolism and biosynthesis as well as zinc deficiencies in all crops. Zinc is used to activate multiple enzymes and induces the production of auxins. Zinc is required for the synthesis of carbohydrates during photosynthesis and for the transformation of sugars into starch. Deficiencies can lead to delayed maturity and a decrease in leaf size which reduces the benefits of photosynthesis. BioFlora® Zinc (7%) aids in the correction of zinc deficiencies.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrian’s website. You can view that by clicking here.
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BioFlora® Acidifier acts as a buffering agent by lowering the pH in irrigation water that appears to be fouled with bacteria or excess nutrients. BioFlora® Acidifier is also effective in reducing dissolved salts in water and soil.
Label and crop information if available is listed on Agrian’s website. You can view that by clicking here.
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