Product Safety / Food Safety
BioFlora® Product Testing
Organic fertilizers are an integral part of soil preparation; therefore, they have a more significant impact on the events that follow. The pyramid below illustrates this point. Not only is organic fertilizer important to the growth of the crop, but it also affects the risk level in regards to food safety.
Organic fertilizers produced today, and used on everything from lettuce to berries, may be free of pathogens immediately following manufacture, but few are capable of killing organisms that come in contact with the fertilizer during storage and at various points along the transportation pipeline. So, although these fertilizers may be pathogen free following production, the risk of contamination is only reduced; it’s not eliminated.
Bioflora has a trained personal that operates under Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points ( HACCP) program. Throughout our manufacturing process, we pull samples of our finished products with established lot numbers and send into third party labs for pathogen testing that complies with LMGA.

Fecal coliforms
Salmonella species
Salmonella species
Shiga toxin-producing E coli (STEC)
Listeria monocytogenes
Heavy Metals